An A and S Capital Group Company



We respect your decision.  If we can not come to terms, we will stop work on your behalf.  Often, there are other individuals or creditors that can also claim the funds.  When someone chooses to not work with us, we contact other potential claimants instead (creditors) and receive a referral for sharing our research.  

We prefer to help people instead of companies/creditors, but referrals defray our research and contact costs.  If you choose to not work with us, we usually destroy your file within a week or two, unless we can put together an agreement with a creditor.

We would enjoy working with you.  We make the best offer we possibly can, given our projected costs and risks.  However, we are not set up to 'chase' folks.  We have thousands of files in various stages of recovery, so we can not chase after you. In addition, depending on the source of the funds, there can be deadlines that we have to meet or else the funds can no longer be claimed.